Haiti: The Final Countdown…

In five days from today I will be heading out to begin my week long mission trip to Port Au Prince, Haiti. This will be the first time I have ever travelled out of the country. Many friends and family members literally did a double take when I told them where I was going. Of all the places, in all the world… and I have to agree with them. Ideally, you think I would choose a place where the climate was an improvement from the Florida heat which I loathe so much. A place that would at least have some air conditioned buildings in which to find reprieve; but no, that does not appear to be where the Lord has led. Would it really be a mission trip if it didn’t take us out of our comfort zone(s)? Isn’t that when the Lord stretches us and shows us the most? Refined by fire you could say.  What is certain is the fact the Lord so quickly and easily lead me to and supplied for this trip, that there was no room to deny this is what He wants me to do. I decided I would create this blog so I have a place to share my thoughts and document the progress of this journey, while also allowing people a place to keep up on what is going on with me and the team in Haiti. Hopefully, I will keep up with it. lol

In the last couple weeks people have been asking, “Are you ready”, “Are you excited?” My answer is always the same… “I’m as ready as I will ever be.” That answer should not be interpreted as flippant or unexcited; it is complete honesty. I have no idea what is in store for me next week in Haiti and that is both exciting and frightening all at once! I guess I am ready to expect the unexpected, that is for sure. I have no preconceived notions and no prior mission trip history to compare or relate to, so I am going into this totally green. I guess this is my “wild goose chase.” (http://chasethegoose.com/) All I can hope and pray for is that the Lord will use me in my strengths AND in my weaknesses to minister to the people, children and families I come in contact with during my time in Haiti… and I know He will.

The anthem for our group traveling to Haiti is “Rise Up” and supported by Isaiah 40:31, “…those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles…” I believe this verse will ring true for us as a team just as much as it will for what we hope to accomplish in Haiti. The need in Haiti is great, they are a people in ruins living in deadly conditions, and our team wants to do anything and everything we can to be the hands and feet of Christ and show His love through us while we are there. We are open to HIS leading and how HE will use us to rise up in Haiti.

Thank you to each and every person who has contributed toward this mission either financially or spiritually with prayer. Those things are greatly appreciated and what has made this trip possible and what will make it successful. The next you hear from me on here, will most likely be once I am in Haiti (unless something worth blogging about pops up before then). Stay tuned….

Prayer requests:

Continued healing/pain relief for my back and that it would not create a hinderance for me while in Haiti

Continued blessing, protection and guidance for the leaders who run and work in the Children’s Home where we will be staying in Port Au Prince

Traveling safety and mercy for our group to and from Haiti; protection and safety during our time in Haiti

That the Holy Spirit will annoint our trip and clearly lead

Prepare the hearts of the people of Haiti we will come in contact with

That our time in Haiti will be used most effectively for the most good